Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ended up...didn't buy --* (YET!)

Like I said above, didn't buy the two figures. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Although I want them, but I don't know if I can justify paying $250 for two figures...YET. Well and my finance situation is still a mess for now and there are also tons of things that I need to settle out before I go for wants. I know I have been feeling like shit for the past two months, but please, just a little longer.

Here are the two figures:
(yes you can strip her naked...oops nevermind)
Price's a killer...>$200 CAD, probably will be charged customs when it gets to me.

Maybe I will buy them for my Christmas/birthday present --* Airi-chan is just too cute/nice. It's too bad that she has to disappear right when I start watching (ep 7-8). Heck, I didn't even watch ep 7 and 8 because of her! *facepalm* I was watching because of Nanael! And Airi-chan disappeared because of losing to her...and yes you can say I don't like Nanael as much after that. Anyhow, she is known as 冥土へ誘うもの, which loosely translates to "The person that invites you to the underworld" (or people call it, the Infernal Temptress, gives me a WTF the first time I saw it). Love the name to say the least. However, Nanael calls her 冥土のメイド, which means "The maid of the underworld". It's also funny because 冥土 and メイド has the same wording, which is "meido no meido" xD

Airi (Queen's Blade kara)... so HOTTTTTTTTTTTT with her maid-outfit and scythe!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRR noooooooooooooooo MUST RESIST BUYING FIGURINES --*

...will type more later, gotta sleep. Been a DAMN long week.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

it's coming...

Yip, need to get ready for that pink slip. I feel that it's getting closer. Don't know if it's good or bad, but I feel it coming closer. Trust me Nick, it's not going to work. To be honest, I don't want it to work either. Hahahhahahhahahah. Don't know why I am laughing, but I am. Maybe before the end of 2009?

Kimi ni todoke has officially taken over as #1 anime for the year for me. That's right, not #1 anime for the season, but officially anime for the year. Soro no Otoshimono is not bad, as the first 5 eps blew me away, but kimi ni todoke is just better. I guess it just relates too much to me, and I always want it to happen to me during my school years. Guess it's not going to happen anymore since I doubt I will be going back to school fulltime anymore. Yes that probably means I won't go to Australia...for now. But who knows my mind might change.

Hopefully I can get my domain tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Finally the wait is over...

Monday, November 9, 2009


Enough of this depressing shit. Let's talk about something else.

- Hopefully going to get my own domain soon
- PG Gundam 00 O-Raiser: Christmas present?
- Japan/Macau trip in Jan or if not job
- New job or focus on school (probably new job)
- Get new 0/15
- Get new monitor/TV?

That's all I can think of atm...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

So umm...yeah.

Okay going to try to write an entry while playing online mahjong *facepalm*

I sense my time at my company is coming to an end. VERY SOON. As soon as early next week perhaps? Sometime I wish they would just laid me because I am really getting tired of working there. I really am.

I guess this is not working well...going to write afterwards.

EDIT: Ok done my mahjong game. Played well so that's great xD

So yeah let's see what's going to happen at work. I don't want to be fired for doing some negative things, but I know they won't "just" lay me off because I also do quite alot of stuff...sigh. I know that no one in the world place is irreplaceable, espcially for low end positions like mine. Let's see how long I last there. My gut is it won't be long.

If they did can me, first thing I would do is go on my vacation.


Life has been so bad lately that I am discouraging myself from writing...*facepalm*

Friday, October 30, 2009

What should I do?

I feel so crappy this week...I don't recall feeling THAT down for such a long time. Now the only question is, should I stay or go? ...God, please help me come up with an answer...WWJD?

[EDIT] Let see why I should or should not do this:

- Get degree in 8 months as oppose to...1-2 years?
- WAY shorter path to CGA
- Finally OUT of Canada! New place, new people, new everything (well not laptop, TV...)
- SUPER reason for getting out of work
- Get OSAP to decrease costs...tempropary

Should Not
- Will I be able to do full time school again?
- LOTS of money to be spent, even with OSAP. AT LEAST 10K
- Need to repay OSAP after *shivers*
- NO car
- NO job = NO money
- Painful process: application process/credit transfer process/rent place to live/public transportation...ugh.

The biggest concern is imo, is will I be able to do full time school again? I am not afraid of spending the money, but if it doesn't work out at the end, it will be THE END.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


No calls at all...I would except just one lonely call, or at least some e-mail replies. *facepalm*

Next steps.

So I finally receive my Diploma. Time for next steps. I don't think I will stay at Dyadem any longer unless I don't have other options. I know earning $20 is good, but it's time to aim higher. All my friends are earning like 40k+ and I am not even close to 40k. It's time for a CHANGE. I am going to aim for at least 50k else I would just rather stay at where I am. I am comfortable at where I am, but I just really need a change of scenery...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


In the middle of convo. I am glad my mom didnt come. She will just complain how boring it is and how she has to take a day off because of this. I still cant get over the fact that dad didnt come. I will probably remember this my whole life. Thou to be honest its not really that special except wearing the gown and going on stage for a few seconds. Its worth it though since i spent 4 years to be here, so the least i can do for myself to be here. It's just a little lonely being here myself from beginning to end.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ugh 2.

Want to write, but too lazy to write. If I don't write tonight, will write tomorrow anyway...

- dad called
- boring day at work
- new job?


I have meant to write this post since...Friday? Forgot when --* Anyhow, late is better than never, so I am going to write it down before I forget (which I really doubt I would)...

So my father could't make it to my graduation ceremony. FAIL. For me or for him? I really want to fail him for not coming, but to be honest I think he won't be make it in the first place anyway. I mean, I told him he has to PRINT THE DAMN SHEETS off the internet and he couldn't do it. I mean there are so many damn internet bars in Macau that it's not even funny. But there is nothing I can do about it I guess if he is technologically challenged. FAIL for me though as I know I haven't tried my best to help him. A part of me do know that he wouldn't be able to make it, and hence I didn't try to help him. Sigh. At the end, I have to go alone. I don't want mom to come as...I don't know why she should. She doesn't like me, what is she going to do there? NOTHING. I would rather see NOTHING than see her there. And she wants to bring him there?! PLEASE. Seriously, she loves to bring people who I want to see at all in those situations.

We will see how it goes on Tuesday...

Other news though: I am going to buying the Sharp TV on Wednesday, and I have officailly moe'fied windows 7...Madobe Nanami is just too cute! Pipo~ Pirorin~

That's it for tonight I guess...I am pretty sure I will write something regarding Tuesday. Hope it goes well...WWJD?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Feeling like crap... how I am feeling now. I don't recall feeling this bad since god knows when --*. I know I will go to work there to give out the 200k yen, but I doubt I will last the whole day although I will try.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sad...but not THAT sad.

So my bike got stolen today. I am upset, but not THAT upset. I guess I sorta want it to be gone from the bottom of my heart because of the pain it caused me. Going to downtown, dealing with this kid and then having to pay more to fix it. I have learned my lesson though and I am only going to buy new from now. Also to buy a lock for it. I thought no one would steal it because the bike is sorta beat up and is just a normal bike. Guess I was wrong. I think I have been targeted since I have travelled a number of times and everything was ok. Like that chinese saying: "If you go to the mountains too much, you will eventually meet a tiger." Oh well, I will just buy a new bike later. Not a big problem really.

The big problem now, actually is my dad won't likely come to my graduation ceremony. Which really, really sucks. I can't get mad at him even though I am really mad at him, for a number of reasons: he is my dad, my final ally and the person who I can talk to the most; he is old, and I am being unreasonable. So I will probably have to attend alone, I don't think I will do anything about it nor I can do anything about it. I am not going to ask mom to attend because I don't want her to attend...well I doubt she will attend anyway. I will be ready for it.


-> I was just reading my previous post actually, and for some reason I think that they are sort of connected. I guess I am ready to lose this bike and get a new one, just like how I am ready to lose that job and get a new one. Something has to happen, even if it is bad, for changes to happen. Sad but true.

It has been a tough month so far...I guess Oct are always tough, basically the second month of any semester is always tough for some reason.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Beginning of the end?

I am beginning to feel that my time in my workplace will be ending very soon. Too similar to what happened during my last work term. Fixing my resume, something shitty happened right after, and within 1-2 months I am gone.

Assuming that will happen to me, I will have to make plans very soon. I won't be going anywhere for Oct as I have to get my diploma first.

Here is what I am thinking:

- Japan for a month
- find another job right away
- Macau for a month
- Rest then find new job
- Focus on CGA
- Do nothing (wtf?) = well probably be doing then before I find a job/decide my next step

I would just go to Japan for a month assuming I won't face any school problems...but surely rent and food is not going to be cheap. I will probably need at least $3000 CDN to get through the month (ticket, food, rent, buying stuff -> not likely, etc). The reason for that is to see if there is a chance that I can survive in Japan alone. If I prove that I can...I might as well move there. I don't know. I still need to finish my CGA here. Another strategy is to get CGA done asap, but that will delay the process for another 1.5 years (at least). Lack of options really suck eh?

I don't think I have any future there since it doesn't look like anyone will go unless they have to (eg: terminated), I really should have a backup plan in case anything happens. And SOMETHING will happen eventually, I just know it. And one more thing, it's not going to get better unless one of them is gone, which is not likely to happen as mentioned above. Let's just see how much I can milk out of this before I am forced out. I know I will. I think it's better if it were to happen because I will go nowhere staying there.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tough week + Love Plus

Man this has been a tough week so far.

Barely finish my month end stuff today. Assignment due next week and then another BIG project due the week after. And I havent started on anything regarding those assignments.

So hearing how addicted people are, I start playing Love Plus. Girls are lovely, especially Manaka. Man how I wish I can get a girl like her as my reality GF. I don't know but I sort of lost interest in the game after I got her to confess to me (again, I wish it was in real life). Real time mode sounds very good, but it sucks that I can only do so much in one day (2-3 minutes then I got to wait until the next day...or something like that). Anyhow, here is to wish that I would get such a girl in real life...WWJD?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Work = stress?!

Hmmm, work is beginning to stress me out, like how I worry about school. Well except I only worry when there are tests and exams in school, but for work it's like a monthly thing aka month end. So let's see what I am doing now:

7 bank recs
2 Maintenance Revenue = data entry
3 Prepaid Rent
2 Prepaid Hardware
2 Prepaid Software
3 Prepaid Insurance
3 Prepaid Miscellaneous
Prepaid Deposit
2 Reim AMEX
3 Reim Employee
4 AP
3 Accrued Liabilities
3 Depreciation (furniture, office equipment, hardware, software)
Expenses reimbursement for payroll

...there are probably more but just can't think of them right now.

Donno if that's alot, but I am only a little clerk! Ugh! --*

Seriously, I don't know if I am able to handle all this stuff for September without staying after work...and as I said, I am beginning to feel the stress that comes with it, just like school.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun

Just like Index, ep 1 started with SO much promise. Hopefully it won't freefall like Index. I don't think it will since I have already watched the manga, but who knows. The OP is excellent. Just excellent.

Can't wait to watch White Album as well. Got to soak in this season's anime!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

On the Toronto Star!

Nice, I was featured on the Toronto Star today. Had an article that is 85% focused on me and have a pic along the way as well. Very nice xD Will never forget! Ask if you want link, not going to put here la~

Monday, September 28, 2009





Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shopping Spree Final Amounts

Lenovo T400 Thinkpad + 4 GB RAM : $1310
Canon SD780IS + OEM Pouch: $285
Logitech Cordless Wave: $5 ($55 before $50 FS GC)
Rogers 4250HD Box: $120
Laptop bag: $20
Bike: $155
HDMI Cable: $10
Cordless phone: $5

Total: $1910

That's it. Very close to the 2k line so I am going to stop. I spent more than I wanted on the bike, though it's still below my $200 budget limit. The surprise is I am able to get the Cordless Wave for $5 (!!) after the FS giftcard and Staples PM. The cordless phone was also a great buy for $5. Looks very nice as well in white. I want to get the advanced mini-dock for my t400 but guess I will save that for next month....Christmas perhaps? I don't want to look at the next two months' credit card bill though, both are going to be over $1600...

I still don't know what's going to happen with the convocation, but this much I know: even if I have to go by myself, I will go. I hope father can make it. I really do. But also, I wouldn't mind if a girl can go with a girlfriend? Yeah yeah I guess I will stop dreaming --* But I also know that if I believe that I can get one, I know I will be able to get one. Eventually. I just need to keep waiting for the right one to come...and she will come.

Anyhow, it has been pretty crappy lately. Didn't go to the gym at all the whole week, Nick wasn't there on Thursday and Friday (though I don't know how it will be better if he was there), skipped school on Tuesday and Thursday, barely did any work AT work...I have been terrible, PERIOD. Let's hope for a better week coming up! WWJD?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another Shopping Spree update!

The spree is sort of done. Well I have bought everything on the list, now debating whether I should keep the camera or not. I probably will. So the past two days have been none stop shopping. Friday Rogers 4250HD box, Saturday HDMI cable (finally!) and laptop bag (great deal and EXACLY what i wanted), and today bicycle. Still have some work to be done for the bicycle like the brakes and a lock. I don't think I will need to spend more than $50.

So another update:

Lenovo T400 Thinkpad + 4 GB RAM : $1310

Canon SD780IS + OEM Pouch: $285

Logitech Cordless Wave: $25 ($75 before $50 FS GC)


Laptop bag: $20

Bike: $85 + more to come

HDMI Cable: $10

Total: $1855 + minor bike stuff

Still under 2k. I guess i don't have to refund the cam after all xD

Friday, September 18, 2009

Shopping Spree update!

Lenovo T400 Thinkpad + 4 GB RAM : $1310

Canon SD780IS + OEM Pouch: $285

Logitech Cordless Wave: $25 ($75 before $50 FS GC)


Laptop bag: ???

Bike: ???

HDMI Cable: Max $10 (Maybe?)

Total: $1740

My budget is 2k, so if there is anything I want and won't cost me to go over budget, I will buy.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oct 27th, 2009. my convocation day. I can't wait, even if I have to go in alone.

So I think my spending spree has sort of stopped. Let's recap:

Lenovo T400 Thinkpad: $1310

Canon SD780IS + OEM Pouch: $285

Logitech Cordless Wave: $25 ($75 before $50 FS GC)

So that's $1620. I am not going to count the new cordless phone since it's like less than $10. Well and I need a new cordless phone like hell xD.

Now, how I am going to afford all that, is another question --*

Monday, September 7, 2009

School starts again!

So school officially starts again tomorrow. I am in a new program and taking two subjects this semester that do not require exams. They do have assignments and projects though so that is new. I don't even recall the last time I did a project. Hopefully I get to know someone new in those classes. Kevin and Jessica are in each of my classes, so that makes things a little easier...

Lots of things I want to buy, but as usual no money to buy, I bought a Canon P+S camera for $280 including a pouch even though the last time I used my Nikon was last year during the trip with her --* (and I also bought a $1300 laptop) I guess I can always use it at convo and bring it along with me everyday since it's small. What to do with Nikon? Good question...ugh will figure out later. Next I want to buy the Wave Wireless kb/mouse with the FS GC that I am going to get. I need it soon or else I will be calling Tristian again. RBC is always terrible.

Everyone is putting houses/condos at work. I want mine as well. I know I can't afford it unless I do a big scale cutback, which I want to avoid as much as possible. And yet here I am doing shopping like crazy, sigh. I know I still need to buy the Rogers HD box as well (although it's not a must).

Anyhow, my primary goals for the last 4 months of the year: do well at work (get new title and even higher salary), do well at school and get to know a gf (finally?). WWJD?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A month eh..

So it has been almost a month and a day since I last posted. I promised myself not to post until my marks are up. So they are up, and I am recommended to graduate with honours. I am very glad that this is finally over. I passed Advanced somehow...

I don't need to do AP anymore at work. To be honest, I am shocked and I will miss it. But I am looking forward to the new stuff as I have been basically doing the same thing for the past two years. I hope Jennifer can train me well. I also did well (sorta?) during my performance review and received a raise. Wow. I still can't believe it...honest. I was also told, if I fulfil my duties as I was suppose to, I will be considered a new title and new salary in 6 months...I will do all my best to get there. God, please help me get there, WWJD? I will be happy with the title even if the new salary is not there. It's time to get greedy now, do my best and captialize on the opportunites!

I also can't wait to attend my convocation. I know people usually don't attend theirs, but you better bet that I will attend mine. It means too much to me to NOT attend.

Is it time for a gf? Yes/No. If she comes, she comes. I won't really be looking for one right now, my work is more important. I really want the FA title and I will be dead focus on that for the nexy 6 months.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Byousoku 5 Senchi

6 am watching. Still as sad as ever. Even at 6 am...

I should have go on a trip...although there is a BBQ tomorrow, but to be honest I don't really want to go...BUT still beats sitting at home right? Maybe not.

I have much bigger worries to take care of than that though...sigh.

Maybe that;s why I have trouble sleeping lately...

I will probably stay the same way until I find somebody...and trust me, I know it won't be happening soon. I don't know why...I just know it. It sure sucks feeling that way isn't it? Every fucking single day...

Work, go home and surf internet, sleep, repeat. That's my cycle everyday. Does it suck or what? It doesn't seem too bad, and I have been living that for the past year or so...

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I really need to try that one day. Maybe it will make me feel better.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I wonder what I have become...

...I really do.

But to be honest. I don't think I changed much. I am still the same person just without her. It's almost a year since she left, she left late August I believe? It's almost time for her to come back actually. I wonder if she is actually coming back. If she does, will she give me a visit? Call? Come over? I doubt be honest I don't want to. Or do I? I don't know myself to be honest. I doubt it's going to happen so scratch it off the list. Do I miss her? I will be lying if I say I don't, but to be honest I won't if I have a gf now.

I am tired, want to go take a nap, but...never mind. I wonder wtf is going through my mind.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Another can't sleep post...

I hate not being able to sleep. I love sleeping. --*

Nothing really on my mind right now so I guess I will leave it at then.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Bored, bored, BORED.

So I am done my test, at home, tired but don't want to sleep, and have nothing to do. I should just go to sleep. Sigh.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


...well I knew she wasn't single somehow.

Now I know it for sure.

No time to think that over, advance accounting exam tomorrow.

Monday, July 13, 2009

So much about studying...

...done absoluely none today.

I will study tomorrow night thou. I have to. I will at least do the exercises since there aren't many. 3 nights and 1 day should be enough. I hope.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


So what's next?

Test on Friday, test on the thursday after, feeling the pinch again...Friday it's accounting and I must do well, I need to get a B at the least if I want to be fine before the exam. Good thing the exam is only 40%. I will be studying hard tomorrow, yakusoku suru!

Aitsu...I don't know if I have a chance. But I really think I should get the acc test over first before thinking too much. Getting a two month rental, or even having a long-d relationship is not a good risk compairing to wasting four months to retake a course AND delay my graduation. THAT CANNOT HAPPEN. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN. I CANNOT AND WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN.

Well more about her, I don't even know if she is single even though my guess is yes. Going to a mall with her brother and mother on a Friday?! Thou of course it is possible that she has one, and that he is in HK, Waterloo, USA, UK or wherever...let's just hope I have a chance. That's all I am looking for right now...WWJD?

Thursday, July 9, 2009



Got 85% on my audit midterm which is much better than I expected, and then I got another 5% raise because the prof marked a 10 mark question out of 5 for everyone...and that question is probably the easiest question in the ENTIRE test.

And the highlight is going to lunch with Janet. WOW! WOW! I can't believe it still...let's hope I can build on it and maybe something good will happen. Thank you God. Thank you...


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Have I reach rock-bottom for 09?

Yesterday could not have been worst for this year. But I will still fight through it. Please God help me...WWJD?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

DAMN! DAMN IT! DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!

Just sealed the deal, June is a fucking fucking fucking terrible month! FUCKING TERRIBLE! First of all, a speeding ticket, which I haven't got for quite a LONG time in my memories, and now the accident. I hope I get everything settled for less than 10k...or if possible, mom's insurance eating it since the first accident does not affect the premium. But I would NOT want to go thru that if possible...

2009 has not been kind to me so far even though I predicted it would be an important year. To be honest, things have not gone well once she left (not a great birthday, got hit, got ticketed, and now hit someone)...I just hope that I would be able to graduate safely this August. That's all I can hope for right now. Graduating this semester is the MOST important thing for me, even if I have to crawl, I will crawl to finish it this semester. MUST.


Been 2 weeks+...

...since I last wrote. It's not really that long (in my standards), but it really feels LONG. I don't recall a month feeling that LONG. But anyhow, it has been a long month for me (as in how it felt, and not the time aspect of it).

Been playing too much robot wars K, watching too much anime, not enough sleep and studying (as if I ever study). I have to find a way to pass Advance Accounting else it will be huge trouble for me. Very very big trouble. I hope I did well on my audit and computer midterms. I hope that July will be a way better month than June...

But before I curse the hell out of June, there are some good things...okay never mind there are no good things, other than the pens winning the cup. However that doesn't really affect me in person. Sigh.

On the other hand, I just need to spend $80 to get my 25k aeroplan miles. Not bad I have to say. And I already have $58 covered which means I need to figure out the last $22.

(Will update more once I come back)

Friday, June 12, 2009


Pens won the cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the only good thing today. Love my faith in them even after all this years. Magic is probably done (they blew 2 games that they should have won and SHOULD be leading 3-1, now they are DOWN 3-1), and I don't think I did well on my Advance Accounting term test --*

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's here...

My first test of this semester is tomorrow! Then another one on the next day. I am ready for it! (...but not ready for advance acounting, sigh --*)

Still lots of fight to go thru before everything returns normal. Still $500 to spend on biz gold amex, still $2500 to spend on gas GCs, still need to fight the ticket.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gut-check time again!

It has been quite terrible for the past few weeks, but the upcoming 2-3 weeks will be even worse. Next week 2 tests, week after assignment due for audit, and the week after that audit test. OMG. I haven't even looked at the textbook yet. Probably have to sit down Wed-Fri next week to get ready. MSC should be fine, but I am worried about accounting the most. Auditing I know the prof will at least tell us what pages the questions are on so I can force myself to memorize everything. But accounting...guess I will have to do questions like mad. MSC will have to do tutorial like mad. At least it's open book. What I don't like it's ALL 3 courses DO NOT have mid-terms. They all have 2 term tests...but I guess it gives you a chance if you blew one of them unlike blowing the midterm (= dead). So we will see.

Money situation is a little tight, but I know it will be better for me at around the end of the year since I prepaid so much stuff last month and probably this month.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Can't sleep.

I just can't sleep without typing this post.

I feel sad. This 3 months will be hard to go by, BUT I WILL SOMEHOW GET THROUGH IT. I KNOW I WILL. I TRUST GOD AND I TRUST MYSELF. Work, school, home, life, exams, WHATEVER. I will overcome them.

It's sad that I was so happy last year that I basically went through everything to make sure it was done right. This year? No. Not at all. I know I have lost the motivation and is just trying to get by, day by day. I know I am doing more, but I am learning on the fly. But there really is no one to direct me except myself. When I get it wrong, I have to hunt for it myself. All I will know is that I did it wrong, and that I got to fix it, I guess it's good because that's likely how a big company is, but I do not expect this in here. Not in a million years, not at least before I was hired.


My painful chest is stabbed...
those are my dream's fragments.



You said: "Do not give up!"

That is the reason why I am still here.

3 more months.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pens/Magic on to Conference Finals!

Congrats to them, haven't have both of my fav sports team go that far in a long time! But to be honest I don't think the Magic will beat the Cavs. However I am willing to say that the Pens will be going back to the Cup Finals again for the 2nd straight year!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

DONE: Newest edition of damage control update (Still not over?!)

...basically done.

Now just the windshield and those dents...donno if I should really fix the dents. If it is around $200, I will fix, but I really doubt it. So we will see. Took me less around a month to get everything done and spent lots of money, but finally everything is done for now. GO KISEKI!

...almost finished.


- Renew new "used" car insurance. -> Monday
- Get replacement license plates. -> Tuesday?
- Complete transfer at MTO. -> Tuesday?
- Scan bill of sale + new license receipt to Kingsway
- Get NEW new "used" car insurance -> May 13th
- Wait for cheque to arrive. -> ??
- Contact Sam @ 416-458-1865 (Scratch Wizard)
- Meet Sam and fix car (416-458-1865) -> April 24th
- Get new starter/alarm -> May 10th
- Tint -> May 10th
- Wait for new plates to arrive -> ??


- Somehow stand 5 days of's going to be HELL. Seriously. (DONE)
- Bus for a few more days. JUST a few more days. (DONE)
- Get insurance cheque -> Monday? (DONE)
- Deposit insurance cheque -> Tuesday (DONE)
- Receive tuition and OPC cheque from mom. -> ??? (DONE)
- Get money from Peoples to TD ASAP. (DONE)
- Wait until hold is off on TD account -> Thursday (DONE)
- Meet the seller ASAP -> Saturday (DONE)
- Buy new "used" car ASAP -> Saturday (DONE)
- Get safety done on new "used" car -> Saturday (DONE)
- Visit from insurance regarding injury. -> Tuesday (DONE)

Will update/add to this post as more stuff goes on.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Damage control: Almost finish edition.

So basically my new used car is ready to go.

Here's the amount of money I spent on it so far:

Car : $11000 ($9919.70 reimbursed by insurance)
PST/Registration: $770
New plates: $93.50 (reimbursed by insurance)
New windshield: $300 ($200 reimbursed, chipped already)
Drive-clean: $40
Maintenance after purchase: $275
MORE maintenance after purchase: $288.75
Tint: $146.90
Viper: $536.75

Needless to say, my bank account is suffering BIG BIG TIME and I am STILL not finish (thou I am very close).

Lastly, need to fix that big dent on the gas (it's big and it's VERY annoying) which will probably cost me another $200 or so. What's $200 more after I spent around $2k already? Yes it's that sad.

I also just received my amex business card, and I need to spend ANOTHER 1k to get 25k amex points. Man I really need my job and a nice raise.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


So happy, i passed both finance and mgt accounting. Well wish I could get A for finance but I was never aiming for that anyway. Now just need to finish my final 3 courses!!!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Ugh. Windshield got chipped, need to get it fixed ASAP...sigh.

Not motivated to blog recently for some reason. I will try to write more this weekend. Just two more days...I have enough of this week already.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Exam aftermath

Well it's been almost 10 days after my exams. Got two more weeks before school starts again. It will be hell, but I will get through it. It's too late to give up now. As I said, I just hope I passed both exams and got B in both courses.

Kiseki is almost done, except for the new license plates to arrive and the tint/alarm system. It will get done in time.

It feels good to not think about school or have school hang around my head. Although I skip most of my classes, I seem to think about it alot which worries me...well I get 2 weeks of that for now I guess.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Almost done...

Finally got my new Kiseki, but there is still work to be done. LOVE IT!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Exams DONE! ...uh oh.

FINANCE: ...orz

MGT ACC: --* orz

I guess that says it all. I just want B in them, ONLY B!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Finance - Ugh. Don't know what to study. SERIOUSLY.

Accounting - Should be fine.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Damage Control Update #3

(1) Get insurance figured out.
- Ongoing.
- Going to get back ~$9900 for a new car.
- Still need to get therapy issues figured out.
- Will get visit from an adjustor...sometime?!
- Need to get insurance for new car.

(2) Get new car?!
- Looks more like it now. I should have said "confirm that I need a new car". RIP Kiseki-chan. It's sad seeing her like that...sigh.
- Tough choices: Mitsubishi Eclipse GT-P? Honda Civic SI? Get a Celica again?
- Looking more and more likely to be a Celica again. Yellow GTS. Gunbatte yo!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Damage Control update 2

(1) Get insurance figured out.
- Ongoing.
- Going to get back ~$9900 for a new car.
- Still need to get therapy issues figured out.

(2) Get new car?!
- Looks more like it now. I should have said "confirm that I need a new car". RIP Kiseki-chan. It's sad seeing her like that...sigh.
- Tough choices: Mitsubishi Eclipse GT-P? Honda Civic SI? Get a Celica again?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The -END- of Air TV...

Just finished watching Air this morning...

Let's start with the good stuff:
- Misuzu "Gao~"
- Uses "family" as its theme (touching scenes at ep 11 + 12)
- Potato "Piko~ Pikori~ Pika~"
- Nice VERY nice OP
- Lovely BG music
- Sad, Misuzu dies at the end...
- Loneliness, Misuzu cannot get a friend...

The bad stuff:
- 13 eps = TOO SHORT
- Not enough time spent on the other 2 main characters (...Kano and Minagi I believe? Holy I still remember their names somehow --*)
- Kano and Minagi's eps are more like fillers than anything
- Misuzu-chin's hair got cut short, VERY short...MAJOR WTF (thou I know it shows that she went back to being a child, but still)
- Yukito disappears (ummm, he is the main charcter...hello?) in ep 9 and basically never appears again (except in recaps)
- 2 eps of ancient stuff that doesn't really connect to the story imo...2 eps of a 13 ep series?! = 4 eps or ~30% of series wasted.
- Never really explain why Misuzu goes all crazy when she is close to making a friend...?
- So Yukito became a crow, and flies to the sky to look for Misuzu after she dies...ummm?
- Wait, why did he become a crow? to save Misuzu?! and just to have her die a couple of eps later?!
- Air in Summer: I would rather they show something on Yukito/Misuzu rather than the ancient times

Although the bad stuff outnumbered the good stuff, I did enjoy this series. Don't forget that this is back in 04 so I have to lower my expectations a little bit. There are alot of questions that are not solved and that is very bad. But to be honest, if I were to remake the series, scrap Minagi and Kano, and just focus on Misuzu and Yukito on the entire thing. More Haruko and Misuzu. Have Potato be Misuzu's pet instead of Sora the Crow. NO RECAPS. Just no.

That's about it for now. Probably more when I wake up 5-6 hours later...

EDIT 2: I guess that's it for now xD

Friday, April 3, 2009

K-on + Damage Control update.

First of all, K-on is GOOD. I am definitely watching that for the summer. Which is's hard to live a season without anime now. It's bad in a way because I expect myself to not watch any anime the coming season. I guess that's not possible anymore~ xD Really like Mio! I hope that SS-Eclipse is going to sub it, as Chihiro/Coalguys both...suck.

Damage control update:
(1) Get insurance figured out.
- Ongoing.

(2) Get new car?!
- Looks more like it now. I should have said "confirm that I need a new car". RIP Kiseki-chan. It's sad seeing her like that...sigh.

(3) Find out what's wrong with credit report.
- DONE! at least did my part on finally requesting my reports. Now just need them to get here.

(4) Get TD US Visa..somehow.
- DONE! Can't wait for it in the mail...I guess if I want to do ANYTHING in TD from now on, I should must go into a branch even if it's just deposit/withdrawals --*

My first NEW anime of Spring 09... going to be K-On.

Very impressed by the character designs and the ED. Well it's from KyoAni, and 99% of their stuff are WIN (just to be safe, although I don't know what the bad 1% could be). Can't wait to watch ep 1 tonight.

More on damage control tonight...still need more updates.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Damage control...

(1) Get insurance figured out.
(2) Get new car?!
(3) Find out what's wrong with credit report.
(4) Get TD US Visa..somehow.

Huge 4 objectives for the short term.


...this past two days have been cruel, very very cruel. It was torture. I wanted to cry but can't. Tears just won't come out. Not yet. I still have to fix everything before I break down. There is still lots of work to be done.

Am I being played by a pre-April's Fool prank?! Or is this a dream?! Someone please wake me up...



Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Uh oh.

Disaster struck. Must withstand this. Must not fall...


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Anime: End of winter season and more stuff

Besides the weather, anime also lets me know when a season ends. This season has been ok at best. Gundam 00 and Clannad ~Afterstory~ span from previous seasons so they don't really count, plus they are guaranteed to be good anyway. I have watched White Album, Asu no Yoichi, Rideback, To Are Majutsu no Index and Akikan. Only Rideback is good and White Album barely made it. The rest are just plain terrible. To be fair, White Album is okay until I started watching Kanon. Yoichi and Index started off well and then they just sucked their way towards the final episode. Akikan...just ugh --*. The summer season is usually crap as I don't think I watched/followed any anime during the past two summers. I am going to be taking three part time courses starting May - August, so I guess not being sucked in by anime will ony help me.

I still have not made a firm decision in whether to get an apartment or not. I want to finish ACF first before I do this. It will be a reward for myself I guess? It's also risky now consider how I feel about myself at work. I really feel that I can be let go any minute since I am not being constantly updated by my co-workers. I am going to do everything in my power to make sure I stay until the new office move. I think I will be fine unless I screwed something up badly *knocks on wood*. I will have to suck it in since my sister is canned by her employer as well. Besides work, got to worry about school as well. Final exams in three weeks! 頑張ってください!

Friday, March 27, 2009

End of Kanon

I finished watching Kanon.

No doubt that it has become one of my all-time favourites. I still cannot believe I missed it back in 06-07. STILL. I would say it's comparable even to Clannad (don't think anything can touch it right now thou), KGNE, Haruhi and Byousoku. It just sucks that there is no sequel after it like After Story.

My favourite character has to be Ayu. I don't think there is a doubt. I do have to admit that she looks better when she was young with the long hair and the ribbon hairband though. Being nit-picky, yes. Second favourite is Makoto, her "Auu~" is just too cute and I just feel bad that she only lasted 10 episodes. Third is very close, but I have to give it to Nayuki. Her sleeping style is just too win with "Nyuu~. Shiori is very close behind, though I don't even know what I exactly like in her. Maybe it is the way she talks and how she is always calm except for the last episode. Last is Mai...I think her personality is even worst than Yuki. And it doesn't help that I don't really like her arc. Heck I like Sayuri better than Mai to be honest. Sayuri's "Ahaha~" alone beats Mai by a mile --*

Next, another Kyoto product: AIR.

Can't wait for the last episode of G00 tomorrow as well!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I have been addicted to Kanon lately. It's an EXCELLENT anime. I think in some ways it's better than Clannad, but overall Clannad is still better by a little bit right now. But I guess it doesn't help that I am watching future episodes in advance orz

So I am up to episode 10. I really like Makoto. For the five heroines I actually rate her behind Ayu (my #1). It's a pity that she has to go so early. I would rather they show Mai's story first than have Makoto gone. Her "Auu~" is just too cute (thou "Uguu~" still wins by a little). Episodes 8, 9 and 10 are all very touching. And yes I actually cried.

I like this anime because of the cute girls (obviously), but also because of some of its themes like "sadness" and "奇跡". I am always a sucker for sadness for some reason. I guess because it makes me cry, and I love to cry sometimes. I wanted to cry alot of times but I just can't because of the situation I am in like work, school, or just can't. The other thing is, even if it's an anime about sadness, I am pretty sure it will have a good ending and that's what cheers me up. Even though Makoto is gone, she is not forgotten and got all her wishes granted before she left. With all the kitsune flashes throughout, I am pretty sure that she went back to being a fox again instead of dying. Which leads me to 奇跡. That's something I always believe in, even though they rarely happen in real life. "As long as I did my best, the outcome won't be too bad." Is that part of a 奇跡? However, I do believe it comes with a price one gets a free lunch after all. I don't even know what I am talking about anymore...but that's sort of my grasp on the term. After all, my car's license plate is exactly that =)

I am going to have to make a BIG decision soon. Should I move out or stay? I really need to think clearly before committing myself. It's my dream to have my own condo after all, but I still think this is too fast...if I can finish my diploma this summer...

Will write more as more thoughts come along...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Damn it.

Well so much about saving money. Just spent $800 saving my car.

So much about saving the money that I earned on the iPhone. But I guess it has to be done. Though to be honest I can't really tell the difference on the brakes. I probably can tell once I drive on the 407 on Monday. But damn, $800 is a big amount. I thought it will be 4-500, not $800. Oh well since I am planning to keep the car this has to be done. It will be my winter car once I get a new sportscar. Hate it, but must be done. So $550 for the iphone, $135 from dumbbells, and $100 from work. I guess that ALMOST makes up for it. Sigh.

I think anything I say about my car, I will be cursed for it. I have TO STOP SAYING THINGS about it. Yes I am blaming myself for sending that email to my mom. But I guess my brake disks just won't rust 75% of itself in a couple of days. I really need to control myself else I know something bad might happen again. Yes I believe I am too 迷信 and naive but that's how I am. It's better to believe that it exists rather than not. I hit the "wrong jackpot" 2-3 times so yeah I need to be really careful.

...and speaking of my mom, I think she has been CRAZY since she came back, CORRECTION, she has been crazy since coming back. I really need to get out. I really do.

Finally weekend...

...and more stuff happens!

- I don't know how I did on the test. I either raped it or got raped badly. Hopefully I raped it orz

- Assignment due for MGT next Thursday. It's funny how everyone in class seems to be 85%+ finished while I haven't even started (busy checking prof's answers). Well I have only went to 5 classes so far: First class, 2 classes before tests, 2 classes for the actual test. It's amazing that I even remember what they are. I doubt I will be able to attend 10 classes before the semester ends. Well same thing with FIN. I haven't attend a full class still besides the test. Hmmm, I think my laziness has reach a new level. It doesn't help that I HATE these two courses.

- I can't believe I missed Kanon back in 2007. I watched Haruhi but I missed Kanon?! WOW. Now I am getting sucked in by "Uguu~" even though I only watched the first ep --* And Ayu rules. "Uguu~" Now I am going to say that whenever I can! "uguu...uguu...UGUU!" At least this gives me something to look forward after Clannad. And after Kanon I am going to watch AIR...if I am able to download them that is. That anime is from 04 after all...orz

- Opened my Borderless Plan at TD. After I get my Infinite Visa, going to apply for my USD Visa. After that...should be complete. Maybe some USD cheques but they will probably be sitting there collecting dust. I actually need to find something to put in my safety deposit box. Can't really think of anything to put in there yet...

- Going to condo-hunt on Sunday. I wonder how it will go...hopefully it won't be too bad. I am really looking forward to it though to be honest. Living by myself with my own cat...okay got to stop dreaming --*

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some more stuff happened.

- Sold my 8 gb iphone. It's a good phone, but I just can't stand the crippled bluetooth, no keypad, touchscreen without stylus and the fingerprint magent side of it. Ended up I got $550 for it. WOW. That's much more than I expected. Basically paid for ~18 months of my agreement assuming I don't go over the usual amounts every month...NICE!

- Closed that joint account (yay!), converted my TD Green Visa to the Infinite Visa (yay^2 but it still needs to get here), got my safety deposit box (yay^3!) need to get the USD part up and running along with the TD USD Visa! I don't know why I am so excited~ xD

- 20% exam tomorrow (BOO!)...I am so dead although I think I am ready. I did study after all --*

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stuff happened...

So let's see what happened this past week or so:

- Changed plans on Fido, signed a 3 year agreement, got an iphone (!!)

Since she left, I barely used my phone for calls and text (used to be a monster sms'er). I was paying $25 for F2F, $9 for voicemail/call display, $6.95 for SAF, $0.50 for 911 and with taxes it comes to ~$47. For the past few months I have been talking less than 80 minutes a month so for $47 it's way too much. So I was thinking of getting prepaid but instead, I was tempt to get a retention plan which is $28.25 including tax with 250 daytime min, F2F, voicemail/call display, 2500 text and evenings/weekends starting at 5 pm. Well it's pretty good although I don't think I would use 10% of the daytime minutes in a month anyway. But the bad thing is I have to sign an agreement which I NEVER WANT TO DO. But the thing is I have already been with Fido for 5 years without an agreement. So unless something dramatic happens (like getting a job in Japan...), I doubt I will be leaving Canada for the next few years (sadly...but let's be realistic). Still need to get my designation so why not. And yes, I got the iphone since it is the best phone that Fido can offer (alot of people know I am ANTI-APPLE), I have enough Fido dollars to cover almost the entire cost, and I am planning to resell it anyway. Almost $20 saving per month, a chance to finally used up my Fido dollars and a chance to get $400 if I do decide to sell the iphone is just too tempting. Hope it is the right choice...

- Opened a TD Select Service account

Been wanting to do that for a LONG time. Free safety deposit box, free cheques/free atm/free statements (heck I get them free from PCF/Citizens anyway =p), free Visa ($100 annual fee), free USD account, free USD Visa. Yes it requires a $5000 balance every month, but since the $5000 won't net me too much interest now (rates been dropping like hell), why not just use it where I want to use it for a long time? The combined service mentioned above will get me better value than the interest. Heck even the free Visa alone almost breaks me even. It helps that my home branch is located beside where I work xD So yeah why not...the only bad thing is the $200 weekly release limit. Compare to the $5000 I get from PCF and $2500 from Citizens? It's like nothing. If interest rates go back up and/or I need the $5000 then I guess I will have to cancel. But for now, need to convert my TD Green Visa (vintage 03 and my oldest CC, who would have thought?!) to an annual fee Visa, close the account that was originally there (ouch) and secure my deposit box in order to utilize my 5k fully.

- Last episode of Clannad aired

Gundam 00 came close, but I have to say Clannad is my favourite anime for the past 2 years. Seeing two people from being complete strangers to getting married is just too...good. I bet everyone wants that to happen to them as well. Seeing the characters grow up from mere high school students to members of society...I feel like I have been with them in person for the past two years. I will miss this. Hopefully Haruhi Season 2 FINALLY comes out and soothe my pain xD

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


To be honest, today is a pretty bad day. I keep thinking about how I will get the iphone after work, and that somehow pushed me through the day.

I think I really need a break. I am going to explode to her soon. ANY MOMENT actually. I can't believe someone so nice can actually be so nasty. A mirror of myself I guess (though I am not as nice). Wanted to rest tomorrow but I need to process a wire transfer and have to go to school. Maybe on Friday but I would need to print cheques that day. Sigh. On to something better...

The iphone is actually okay, thou I think I need a BT keyboard and a stylus. Typing on the thing is bother line impossible. I guess I am tech-starved and maybe that's why I am able to stand it for now.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Another miserable week coming up...

So finance-exam week is gone FINALLY, and with that come another miserable week.

My sister will be going to HK = good. However, my mother will also be going = not so good.

I don't even want to talk about yesterday...but with this sentence I am pretty sure I will remember what happened. That will be good enough for me.

Have I tried too hard? Do I deserve some kind of rest? Am I at my limit? Will I break down soon? Will anyone even notice? Even if they notice, will they even bother?!

I don't even know anymore...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Another day...another miserable day.

To be fair, it wasn't that miserable. It wasn't miserable at all actually (except what happened to my car when I am done work for the day). It's my thoughts that made the day miserable.

First things first, I decided to change the layout. Looks much better than what I have previously, at least that's what I like to think...

Anyway, so I met that fat bitch that I was forced to work with when I was back in my first coop workterm. It was a horrible feeling to say the least. I don't know why but...she is in Deloitte working as an auditor and I work as a accounting/finance clerk in a mid-size international company and she is auditing the company. I mean...EPIC FAIL? I hope she doesn't recongize me, but I am pretty sure she does. Let's just hope the audit will be over soon. This is going to be a tough month...

Another exam coming up in 2 weeks...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Oh no...

I am so dead for tomorrow's midterm. SO DEAD.

OMG! Another post! who cares.

I think I have reached the deadend.

My mid-term is tomorrow, and I don't think I even paid any attention to it. Yes I hate finance...but I don't think I can study anymore for anything I don't like. Hopefully I will get a B...well still have tomorrow to try. We will see.

So back to this deadend talk. I want my own condo. Not enough money. Not stable enough job. I want a new car. But I want my own condo! I want to live out. But I will have to pay rent and I want my own condo! I want a new job. How are you going to find one with the current economy? I don't want to go to school anymore. Hmmm, 4 more courses to go = 8 more months. I want a new gf. Ummmm...yeah good luck. I don't like things way are now. Tough luck! See where I am getting? I don't know what I am going to do anymore...I really don't. Yes miracles do happen, like when you win the lottery. I hope for them but I don't count on them. So yeah...I don't know. At the very least I got to finish my diploma before planning my next move. So at least 8 more months of what I mentioned above before things get better. Unless something happens. Something good I hope.

I understand though, I think this is bad but it could be worst. I can be fired and be a NEET, and I will say everyday that I want a job. I just hope things don't go bad in the next 8 months. Though I have a bad feeling that something will happen to me at's obvious why anyway. I lost the motivation to work there because of her. I have that feeling that it's better if she left the company and I am right. And I still don't know what happened that caused the downfall. That's the kicker. Just 5-6 more months before the month, and hopefully I can last until then. The new seating arrangements will probably help. PROBABLY and no I am not counting on it. We will probably have to be together anyways but with all the other people in accounting (like 3 more people?!). Which is better...I guess until they hate me. And yes I know they will. Somehow. Someday. I am so good at getting people to hate me that I am surprised. Instead of having an ability to get girls to like me I get people to hate me. What more can I say? *proud?*

God, please help me get through this. I will do my best as well. WWJD?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Been a while.

Hello, it's been a while since I last posted. 2009 has not been smooth as expected...well actually it's worst than I thought...