Friday, October 30, 2009

What should I do?

I feel so crappy this week...I don't recall feeling THAT down for such a long time. Now the only question is, should I stay or go? ...God, please help me come up with an answer...WWJD?

[EDIT] Let see why I should or should not do this:

- Get degree in 8 months as oppose to...1-2 years?
- WAY shorter path to CGA
- Finally OUT of Canada! New place, new people, new everything (well not laptop, TV...)
- SUPER reason for getting out of work
- Get OSAP to decrease costs...tempropary

Should Not
- Will I be able to do full time school again?
- LOTS of money to be spent, even with OSAP. AT LEAST 10K
- Need to repay OSAP after *shivers*
- NO car
- NO job = NO money
- Painful process: application process/credit transfer process/rent place to live/public transportation...ugh.

The biggest concern is imo, is will I be able to do full time school again? I am not afraid of spending the money, but if it doesn't work out at the end, it will be THE END.