Monday, September 28, 2009





Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shopping Spree Final Amounts

Lenovo T400 Thinkpad + 4 GB RAM : $1310
Canon SD780IS + OEM Pouch: $285
Logitech Cordless Wave: $5 ($55 before $50 FS GC)
Rogers 4250HD Box: $120
Laptop bag: $20
Bike: $155
HDMI Cable: $10
Cordless phone: $5

Total: $1910

That's it. Very close to the 2k line so I am going to stop. I spent more than I wanted on the bike, though it's still below my $200 budget limit. The surprise is I am able to get the Cordless Wave for $5 (!!) after the FS giftcard and Staples PM. The cordless phone was also a great buy for $5. Looks very nice as well in white. I want to get the advanced mini-dock for my t400 but guess I will save that for next month....Christmas perhaps? I don't want to look at the next two months' credit card bill though, both are going to be over $1600...

I still don't know what's going to happen with the convocation, but this much I know: even if I have to go by myself, I will go. I hope father can make it. I really do. But also, I wouldn't mind if a girl can go with a girlfriend? Yeah yeah I guess I will stop dreaming --* But I also know that if I believe that I can get one, I know I will be able to get one. Eventually. I just need to keep waiting for the right one to come...and she will come.

Anyhow, it has been pretty crappy lately. Didn't go to the gym at all the whole week, Nick wasn't there on Thursday and Friday (though I don't know how it will be better if he was there), skipped school on Tuesday and Thursday, barely did any work AT work...I have been terrible, PERIOD. Let's hope for a better week coming up! WWJD?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another Shopping Spree update!

The spree is sort of done. Well I have bought everything on the list, now debating whether I should keep the camera or not. I probably will. So the past two days have been none stop shopping. Friday Rogers 4250HD box, Saturday HDMI cable (finally!) and laptop bag (great deal and EXACLY what i wanted), and today bicycle. Still have some work to be done for the bicycle like the brakes and a lock. I don't think I will need to spend more than $50.

So another update:

Lenovo T400 Thinkpad + 4 GB RAM : $1310

Canon SD780IS + OEM Pouch: $285

Logitech Cordless Wave: $25 ($75 before $50 FS GC)


Laptop bag: $20

Bike: $85 + more to come

HDMI Cable: $10

Total: $1855 + minor bike stuff

Still under 2k. I guess i don't have to refund the cam after all xD

Friday, September 18, 2009

Shopping Spree update!

Lenovo T400 Thinkpad + 4 GB RAM : $1310

Canon SD780IS + OEM Pouch: $285

Logitech Cordless Wave: $25 ($75 before $50 FS GC)


Laptop bag: ???

Bike: ???

HDMI Cable: Max $10 (Maybe?)

Total: $1740

My budget is 2k, so if there is anything I want and won't cost me to go over budget, I will buy.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oct 27th, 2009. my convocation day. I can't wait, even if I have to go in alone.

So I think my spending spree has sort of stopped. Let's recap:

Lenovo T400 Thinkpad: $1310

Canon SD780IS + OEM Pouch: $285

Logitech Cordless Wave: $25 ($75 before $50 FS GC)

So that's $1620. I am not going to count the new cordless phone since it's like less than $10. Well and I need a new cordless phone like hell xD.

Now, how I am going to afford all that, is another question --*

Monday, September 7, 2009

School starts again!

So school officially starts again tomorrow. I am in a new program and taking two subjects this semester that do not require exams. They do have assignments and projects though so that is new. I don't even recall the last time I did a project. Hopefully I get to know someone new in those classes. Kevin and Jessica are in each of my classes, so that makes things a little easier...

Lots of things I want to buy, but as usual no money to buy, I bought a Canon P+S camera for $280 including a pouch even though the last time I used my Nikon was last year during the trip with her --* (and I also bought a $1300 laptop) I guess I can always use it at convo and bring it along with me everyday since it's small. What to do with Nikon? Good question...ugh will figure out later. Next I want to buy the Wave Wireless kb/mouse with the FS GC that I am going to get. I need it soon or else I will be calling Tristian again. RBC is always terrible.

Everyone is putting houses/condos at work. I want mine as well. I know I can't afford it unless I do a big scale cutback, which I want to avoid as much as possible. And yet here I am doing shopping like crazy, sigh. I know I still need to buy the Rogers HD box as well (although it's not a must).

Anyhow, my primary goals for the last 4 months of the year: do well at work (get new title and even higher salary), do well at school and get to know a gf (finally?). WWJD?