Monday, October 26, 2009


I have meant to write this post since...Friday? Forgot when --* Anyhow, late is better than never, so I am going to write it down before I forget (which I really doubt I would)...

So my father could't make it to my graduation ceremony. FAIL. For me or for him? I really want to fail him for not coming, but to be honest I think he won't be make it in the first place anyway. I mean, I told him he has to PRINT THE DAMN SHEETS off the internet and he couldn't do it. I mean there are so many damn internet bars in Macau that it's not even funny. But there is nothing I can do about it I guess if he is technologically challenged. FAIL for me though as I know I haven't tried my best to help him. A part of me do know that he wouldn't be able to make it, and hence I didn't try to help him. Sigh. At the end, I have to go alone. I don't want mom to come as...I don't know why she should. She doesn't like me, what is she going to do there? NOTHING. I would rather see NOTHING than see her there. And she wants to bring him there?! PLEASE. Seriously, she loves to bring people who I want to see at all in those situations.

We will see how it goes on Tuesday...

Other news though: I am going to buying the Sharp TV on Wednesday, and I have officailly moe'fied windows 7...Madobe Nanami is just too cute! Pipo~ Pirorin~

That's it for tonight I guess...I am pretty sure I will write something regarding Tuesday. Hope it goes well...WWJD?