Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gut-check time again!

It has been quite terrible for the past few weeks, but the upcoming 2-3 weeks will be even worse. Next week 2 tests, week after assignment due for audit, and the week after that audit test. OMG. I haven't even looked at the textbook yet. Probably have to sit down Wed-Fri next week to get ready. MSC should be fine, but I am worried about accounting the most. Auditing I know the prof will at least tell us what pages the questions are on so I can force myself to memorize everything. But accounting...guess I will have to do questions like mad. MSC will have to do tutorial like mad. At least it's open book. What I don't like it's ALL 3 courses DO NOT have mid-terms. They all have 2 term tests...but I guess it gives you a chance if you blew one of them unlike blowing the midterm (= dead). So we will see.

Money situation is a little tight, but I know it will be better for me at around the end of the year since I prepaid so much stuff last month and probably this month.