Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ended up...didn't buy --* (YET!)

Like I said above, didn't buy the two figures. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Although I want them, but I don't know if I can justify paying $250 for two figures...YET. Well and my finance situation is still a mess for now and there are also tons of things that I need to settle out before I go for wants. I know I have been feeling like shit for the past two months, but please, just a little longer.

Here are the two figures:
(yes you can strip her naked...oops nevermind)
Price's a killer...>$200 CAD, probably will be charged customs when it gets to me.

Maybe I will buy them for my Christmas/birthday present --* Airi-chan is just too cute/nice. It's too bad that she has to disappear right when I start watching (ep 7-8). Heck, I didn't even watch ep 7 and 8 because of her! *facepalm* I was watching because of Nanael! And Airi-chan disappeared because of losing to her...and yes you can say I don't like Nanael as much after that. Anyhow, she is known as 冥土へ誘うもの, which loosely translates to "The person that invites you to the underworld" (or people call it, the Infernal Temptress, gives me a WTF the first time I saw it). Love the name to say the least. However, Nanael calls her 冥土のメイド, which means "The maid of the underworld". It's also funny because 冥土 and メイド has the same wording, which is "meido no meido" xD