I am beginning to feel that my time in my workplace will be ending very soon. Too similar to what happened during my last work term. Fixing my resume, something shitty happened right after, and within 1-2 months I am gone.
Assuming that will happen to me, I will have to make plans very soon. I won't be going anywhere for Oct as I have to get my diploma first.
Here is what I am thinking:
- Japan for a month
- find another job right away
- Macau for a month
- Rest then find new job
- Focus on CGA
- Do nothing (wtf?) = well probably be doing then before I find a job/decide my next step
I would just go to Japan for a month assuming I won't face any school problems...but surely rent and food is not going to be cheap. I will probably need at least $3000 CDN to get through the month (ticket, food, rent, buying stuff -> not likely, etc). The reason for that is to see if there is a chance that I can survive in Japan alone. If I prove that I can...I might as well move there. I don't know. I still need to finish my CGA here. Another strategy is to get CGA done asap, but that will delay the process for another 1.5 years (at least). Lack of options really suck eh?
I don't think I have any future there since it doesn't look like anyone will go unless they have to (eg: terminated), I really should have a backup plan in case anything happens. And SOMETHING will happen eventually, I just know it. And one more thing, it's not going to get better unless one of them is gone, which is not likely to happen as mentioned above. Let's just see how much I can milk out of this before I am forced out. I know I will. I think it's better if it were to happen because I will go nowhere staying there.