So school officially starts again tomorrow. I am in a new program and taking two subjects this semester that do not require exams. They do have assignments and projects though so that is new. I don't even recall the last time I did a project. Hopefully I get to know someone new in those classes. Kevin and Jessica are in each of my classes, so that makes things a little easier...
Lots of things I want to buy, but as usual no money to buy, I bought a Canon P+S camera for $280 including a pouch even though the last time I used my Nikon was last year during the trip with her --* (and I also bought a $1300 laptop) I guess I can always use it at convo and bring it along with me everyday since it's small. What to do with Nikon? Good question...ugh will figure out later. Next I want to buy the Wave Wireless kb/mouse with the FS GC that I am going to get. I need it soon or else I will be calling Tristian again. RBC is always terrible.
Everyone is putting houses/condos at work. I want mine as well. I know I can't afford it unless I do a big scale cutback, which I want to avoid as much as possible. And yet here I am doing shopping like crazy, sigh. I know I still need to buy the Rogers HD box as well (although it's not a must).
Anyhow, my primary goals for the last 4 months of the year: do well at work (get new title and even higher salary), do well at school and get to know a gf (finally?). WWJD?