So what's next?
Test on Friday, test on the thursday after, feeling the pinch again...Friday it's accounting and I must do well, I need to get a B at the least if I want to be fine before the exam. Good thing the exam is only 40%. I will be studying hard tomorrow, yakusoku suru!
Aitsu...I don't know if I have a chance. But I really think I should get the acc test over first before thinking too much. Getting a two month rental, or even having a long-d relationship is not a good risk compairing to wasting four months to retake a course AND delay my graduation. THAT CANNOT HAPPEN. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN. I CANNOT AND WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN.
Well more about her, I don't even know if she is single even though my guess is yes. Going to a mall with her brother and mother on a Friday?! Thou of course it is possible that she has one, and that he is in HK, Waterloo, USA, UK or wherever...let's just hope I have a chance. That's all I am looking for right now...WWJD?